Sunday, September 25, 2016

Vintage Mood In Levis

T-shirt & Jeans : Levis / Bag : Valentino By Mario Valentino / Rose ring : Bijou Brigitte / Beanie : Glitter / Shoes : Nike

Hello Sunday!
Real fall season is here with us. I was sick and don't remember exactly which day.
I'm pretty sure I got it from my lovely boyfriend. Today I feel much better.
But last 2 days were terrible for me. I was very busy with travel and sick in this week.
 On Thursday I started to feel sick and I traveled to Helsinki with my class, Friday went alone to Tammisaari and yesterday Me and Robin had dinner at his stepfather's house.
Today I'm enjoy Sunday and having a vintage mood when I see myself in Levis. I'm glad that we found the Levis t-shirts for each other. I wished this for my birthday gift but 
we couldn't find in Kouvola so last week we went to Lahti. 
I didn't predict to find t-shirt but it was very lucky that we found.
We found the last t-shirt in Halonen and it was luckily his size then we went back to Carlings to get mine. I taught I will by it in size M but I was really afraid it will be shrink after washed.
 I didn't see any different between size S and M then I tried size S and it was too big for me. 
They didn't have XS so we bought it. I really love this couple t-shirts. :) So cute.

Have a nice day. <3

Monday, September 19, 2016

I'll Sail The World To find You

Good day Monday!
Yesterday I got one easy project and it was to transform my old shirt to off-shoulder. 
Maybe transform is a little too beautiful for this easy d.i.y.
I actually forgot it the whole day. Ha, even I take fish oil, feel like it doesn't help.
Just one hour before I went to bed, this idea just suddenly came up. I quickly cut and sew it. 
The result is great. This off-shoulder matches with my new anchor earrings. 
They're cute cuff earrings from Lahtis but they quite hurt my ears.  
As we can see outside, today may be the end of the sunny day. It's so cold! 
That's why I choose to wear sailor style again. Surprisingly, I painted my nails too!
I'm very lucky today that my school day went fantastic too. What a day!
Big smile for today and fight for tomorrow.

Have a nice day! <3

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

People Will Stare, Make It Worth Their While.

 Dear, blog.
 Why we always complain that we don't have nothing to wear?
 Well, well. I think it time for me to stop saying that I have nothing to wear.
 This problem can be such a big thing. Don't you think? I have to run to school almost everyday.
 My only tip is choose what I want to wear 3 weeks before or at least 1 day before.
 Choose today and wear it tomorrow.
 You never know who will you meet. Just be ready whatever will happen. 
 Sometimes clothes and smile can make other people world brighter. And it specially makes us  happy.  Right now I'm feeling like I'm walking through lavender garden......
 It's always a good thing to  think positive. When you happy, people around you, they're happy too.
 However, today I wear a dress from Thailand. I often choose the clothes that remind me of people 
 I was  missing from my life. Clothes created stories and memories. 
 I love the pearls on this dress so much. I never remember which parts of Thailand, I bought clothes. 
 If I like it, I will buy it right away. But the only place I spend most of my shopping time is Chatuchak Market. Not a year I travel to Thailand without visit Chatuchak Market.

Have a nice day! <3

Dress : Thailand / Heels : here / Sunglasses : Beyond Retro / Earrings : H&M 

Thursday, September 8, 2016


Hello Thursday!
Am I the only one, who stressed out with everything? Or Am I over-thinking again?
 I tried to think maybe it's just a bad or week. I'm wearing the floral skirt I made in 2015 and 
off-shoulder another birthday gift from mom. 
 My eyes are so tired in pictures, which reminds me and makes me want to sing Thai song called 
Mee Panda. ( Panda bear ) It kinda hits my head right now.
Mee panda mee panda mee mee panda panda.... Okay, stop right there.
Tomorrow is Friday. Thank God! Suddenly is Monday. 
Can anyone stop the clock so I can enjoy my weekend?
Like what Scarlett O'Hara said : Oh, I can't think about that today. I'll go crazy, if I do. 
I'll think about it tomorrow. It's so true! I supposed to enjoy turning 23 years. Almost half way to 30.
 My mom just called me and Robin gave me a bunch of flowers and took me to dinner at a new restaurant in Kouvola. And big thanks for congratulation!
Only one important thing I always say to myself that I need to is relax. 
Maybe a chocolate cake can help? I hope tomorrow is a better day.

Enjoy your Friday! <3

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Silver & Grey


Hat & Jeans : H&M / Vest : Chatuchak Market / Shoes : American Apparel 

Good day!
Lucky week again cause the sun is still with us but so the wind. I should wear fall outfits but 
I just want to enjoy the sun. Can't stop my minds not to wear floral dresses. 
On weekend my parents visited us here for the first time.
Two days of happiness. I wished they were here longer. I don't know I missed them that much.
But I do! I will post photos from weekend later, all I need to do is find the photos.
I got a Guess bag from my parents. It's cute and I love silver color!
I was thinking about to red outfit today, well I already put it on me this morning.
As I said before, you can never trust the weather. Maybe it's sunny but it can be cold.
I changed to jeans then it came the whole silver and grey look today and they're my favorites. 
It's fall- winter color and it fits the weather. ( I still wanna wear floral clothes. ) 
Back in  7th grade I used to wear the same color outfits. I was lazy and ridiculous. 
I wasn't thinking about anything, just wear whatever I can find. Today's outfit doesn't look ridiculous like in 7th grade which it's great. I like it.

Have a nice day!<3