All right I'll count to 8 and if you haven't smile, I'll kiss you.

Hello Thursday!
Tomorrow is the most excited day, because it's Friday! Friday is the day we can smile to each other.
It isn't a special day.
But we just want to get those Finnish words out of our heads! One of my classmates is right, soon or later we will be in Mental hospital. Everyone said I was very lucky for having a boyfriend so I can speak Finnish with him. Oh! Please don't tell me that. Of course, my boyfriend can speak Finnish but He's Finland's Swedish. We speak at home. If I talk to him in Finnish. I'm sure I'll be first one in Mental hospital. :D
What am I telling now, I'm not being negative but we just need to relax.
Big kiss and good night. <3
Hat : BikBok Skirt : My d.i.y. Dot leggings : Robinson
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