Just smile for your new beginning!

Hello Helsinki!
I've been waiting for this time to come. Feel like the wish came true. :) I just moved here on Sunday.
Right now I must tell my self to get away with those negative things that stuck in my head.
And start to think more positive. Still, the hardest thing I can never imagine.
But I'm still happy, always glad to be with my boyfriend.
I've cleaned ,decorated little in our room and throw my stuff to
drawers and his small wardrobe.
Yesterday we were in Ikea and some shops. We bought rice cooker ( What else is it more important in my life? ), pestle and mortar and few kitchen things.
I can hear my stomach is growling louder. It's time to make dinner!
I'll write more posts soon.
Have a nice day!

Top & Ruffled Skirt : H&M
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